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Photovoltaic power generation systems

Photovoltaic power generation systems

Product introduction:

Photovoltaic power generation system is the use of solar cells directly convert solar energy into electrical energy power generation system, its characteristic is high reliability, long service life, no pollution, and can independently generation (dg) in power system. Photovoltaic power generation system is divided into independent solar photovoltaic power generation system (off-grid system), grid photovoltaic power generation systems, distributed photovoltaic power generation systems.

Application field

Users of solar power (remote areas without electricity such as island), transportation (such as street lamps), photovoltaic power station, etc

Successful cases

Xiamen university botanical garden off-grid photovoltaic automatic water supply system, nanan photoelectric base 2 MWp grid photovoltaic power generation systems, qinghai golmud MWp grid photovoltaic power generation systems, qinghai golmud 1 second phase 2 MWp grid photovoltaic power generation systems, zhangzhou flag marina glass 11 MWp grid photovoltaic power generation systems, Samoa 5 MWp grid photovoltaic power generation system, etc

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